Registration Forms (Required)
The following three forms must be submitted to secure your child's placement for the upcoming school year. Please submit one form for each child attending MDO.
Note: The State of Georgia requires that all children have a current immunization Form 3231 on file. Your child’s pediatrician can either email a copy to us ( or provide a paper copy at your request.
Confidential Information
This information is for office-use only, and will not be shared outside of MDO.
parental agreement
At MDO, all parents are encouraged to contribute their time and skills to help make our school as wonderful as possible. We are a not-for-profit preschool, so many of our fundraisers and special programs are parent-organized. Parents can volunteer by filling a specific role, by serving on an event committee, or by being generally available when help is needed. Please complete the following form so that our Volunteer Coordinator will know how you prefer to volunteer and be part of our amazing and supportive community.