
  • For children who are 1 year old by September 1st.

  • One teacher to no more than six children.

  • May attend 2, 3 or 5 days per week.

As children begin to walk and talk, their curiosity drives them to explore. Our one year old program (the "Sparkles" and "Sprouts" classes) encourages children’s developing independence by helping them hone self-help skills, such as the ability to feed themselves, relate to others, and make choices. These skills and the opportunity to play and discover empower children to become confident learners as they investigate new concepts.

The activities in the one year old classroom are developed to create learning and social experiences. Through play, projects, and activities, the children become more adept at using utensils like spoons, paint brushes, and crayons. As they master their fine motor skills, they "play with a purpose." The children are encouraged to play cooperatively with their peers and the teachers continuously praise and model appropriate behavior. Goals for your child at this stage are to build on their developmental skills and incorporate all aspects of the child as a whole.

Developmental Milestones

  • Physical Development

    • Body movement such as crawling, jumping, kicking, and tossing

    • Build on hand-eye coordination

    • Develop fine motor skills such as holding a crayon to scribble

  • Cognitive Development

    • Learning and responding to own name

    • Using manipulatives such as blocks, stacking toys, action toys, and noisy toys

    • Using hidden object, matching, and sorting toys

    • Identify objects by pointing

    • Begin to show interest and joy in being read to

  • Social/Emotional Development

    • Encourage peer interaction

    • Begin to show empathy for their peers

    • Begin to express affection through the use of dolls and other toys

Ones Class Daily Schedule

Arrival / Free Play

Morning Welcome
Story and Music Time

Snack & Diaper Change

Transition to Playground


Transition to Classroom
Wash Hands/ Prepare for Lunch

Lunch & Diaper Change

Free Play


*All class cut-off dates may be adjusted due to the make-up of class birthdates.