2024-2025 Monthly Tuition
Tuition for the 2024-2025 school year is based on how many days a child attends his or her program.
Baby (1 day): $250
Baby (2 day): $415
Ones & Twos (2 day): $395
Ones & Twos (3 day): $545
Ones & Twos (5 day): $640
Threes (5 day): $640
Pre-K (5 day): $715
Note: Payment is due by the first day of each month, starting in August. Full tuition is due even when MDO may be closed during part of the month for vacation or holidays or if your child does not attend his/her regular school days.
Tuition Deposit
Upon acceptance, you are required to submit a non-refundable tuition deposit. The tuition deposit is held in escrow for the 2024-2025 school year and is used as tuition for May 2025. Students enrolling during the school year must pay the current month’s tuition as well as the tuition deposit.